Store Refund Policy

Cancellation, Return and Refund Guidelines
All Sellers must accept cancellations, returns, refunds and adjustments in accordance with the policies and any terms, conditions, and policies that appear on the Seller’s Product Listing at the time of the applicable order.

Minimum Cancellation, Return, and Refund Policy
At a minimum, your cancellation, return and refund policy must:

For subscriptions with a term between 2 months and 5 months, allow a customer to cancel an order of a Product and receive a full refund within 7 days of payment (initial and renewal).

For subscriptions with a term 6 months or greater, allow a customer to cancel an order of a Product and receive a full refund: (a) within 7 days of initial payment and (b) within 30 days of payment at renewal.
For all subscription lengths, allow a customer to cancel an order of a Product and receive a full refund at any time where the Product is defective or materially different from the item represented in the Product Listing.
For all subscription lengths, allow a customer to cancel an order of a Product and receive a full refund at any time if there is a material change in your Product, the availability of your Product or any of your terms and

Cancellation Process
Customers who want to cancel orders must do so through the cancellation process offered by Amazon, including through the subscription manager on the Amazon Site. You must clearly disclose this requirement to customers and provide for such customers to be re-directed to Amazon’s subscription manager. We do not directly interact with a customer to cancel a Transaction or otherwise process a cancellation, refund or return for a Product, except as is necessary to re-direct such customer from our website or application to Amazon’s subscription manager.